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The Death and Return of Superman

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Artikelnamn: The Death and Return of Superman - Supernintendo/SNES - PAL/SCN/EUR - Cart Only
Lagerstatus: Beställningsvara
(2-3 veckors lev.tid)
695 kr SEK
Releasedate 1994
Regioncode SNSP-9D-UKV
Players 1
Publisher Sunsoft
Genre Fighting
Artikelnamn: The Death and Return of Superman - Supernintendo/SNES - PAL/SCN/EUR - Complete (CIB)
Lagerstatus: Beställningsvara
(2-3 veckors lev.tid)
1395 kr SEK
Releasedate 1994
Regioncode SNSP-9D-UKV
Players 1
Publisher Sunsoft
Genre Fighting


Brace yourself for a hard-hitting fight to the finish that lets you relive the classic DC comic book series! As Superman, fight for your life against mighty Doomsday, the vile distributor of death and destruction! Then, control the destiny of the four Supermen - each claiming to be the one, true Superman! Explode through 10 levels of super-powered battles and fly at furious speeds - until only the real Superman is left standing!


Artnr: SNES95
Lagerstatus: Beställningsvara
(2-3 veckors lev.tid)
Releasedate 1994
Regioncode SNSP-9D-UKV
Players 1
Publisher Sunsoft
Genre Fighting
Artnr: SNES95k
Lagerstatus: Beställningsvara
(2-3 veckors lev.tid)
Releasedate 1994
Regioncode SNSP-9D-UKV
Players 1
Publisher Sunsoft
Genre Fighting


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