Hem » Gamecube » Gamecube Spel » Äventyr » Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time - Players Choice - Nintendo Gamecube - PAL/EUR/SWD (SE/DK Manual) - Complete (CIB)

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time - Players Choice - Nintendo Gamecube - PAL/EUR/SWD (SE/DK Manual) - Complete (CIB)

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- Original Nintendo Gamecube - Region: PAL/UKV/EUR - Normally used condition - CIB / Complete In Box with Manual - 1 Year warranty
Artikelnamn: Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time - Players Choice - Nintendo Gamecube - PAL/EUR/SWD (SE/DK Manual) - Complete (CIB)
Lagerstatus: Beställningsvara
(2-3 veckors lev.tid)
995 kr SEK
Releasedate 2004
Regioncode DOL-GPTP-EUR


Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time - Players Choice - Nintendo Gamecube - PAL/EUR/SWD (SE/DK Manual) - Complete (CIB)

-Original Nintendo Gamecube
-Region: PAL/UKV/EUR
-Normally used condition
-CIB / Complete In Box with Manual
-1 Year warranty

Players: 1
Genre: Adventure
Regioncode: DOL-GPTP-EUR/ SWD (SE/DK Manual)
Release Year: 2004
Age: 12+
Publisher: Ubi Soft

Embark on a journey of scorched sands and ancient legends. A young prince, drawn to the dark powers of a magic dagger, unleashes a deadly evil upon a beautiful kingdom. Guide the Prince on his quest to reverse the curse by using the Sands of Time, a power which allows you to erase the past, see into the future and slow down the present. Perform gravity-defying acrobatics and swashbuckling attacks in a staggering array of landscapes and kingdoms. Restore peace to the land and fulfill your destiny.


Artnr: DOL648
Lagerstatus: Beställningsvara
(2-3 veckors lev.tid)
Releasedate 2004
Regioncode DOL-GPTP-EUR
  • Releasedate: 2004
  • Regioncode: DOL-GPTP-EUR


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