Hem » Supernintendo SNES » Supernintendo Spel » Alien vs. Predator

Alien vs. Predator

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Välj Variant:
Artikelnamn: Alien vs. Predator - Supernintendo/SNES - PAL/SCN/EUR - Cart Only
Lagerstatus: Beställningsvara
(2-3 veckors lev.tid)
1995 kr SEK
Releasedate 1993
Regioncode SNSP-AP-AUS
Players 1
Publisher IGS /Activision
Genre Action
Artikelnamn: Alien vs. Predator- Supernintendo/SNES - PAL/SCN/EUR - Complete (CIB)
Lagerstatus: Beställningsvara
(2-3 veckors lev.tid)
3995 kr SEK
Releasedate 1993
Regioncode SNSP-AP-AUS
Players 1
Publisher IGS /Activision
Genre Action


Choose your weapon and brawl with the notorious warriors of the big screen! Commission the Colonial Marine and use your weapons and your wits to destroy the base--and survive. Be an Alien and use your voracious instincts to defend the hive and rescure your Queen. Or play a Predator and use your grisly arsenal to acquire the ultimate trophy...the skull of the Alien Queen.


Artnr: SNES23
Lagerstatus: Beställningsvara
(2-3 veckors lev.tid)
Releasedate 1993
Regioncode SNSP-AP-AUS
Players 1
Publisher IGS /Activision
Genre Action
Artnr: SNES23k
Lagerstatus: Beställningsvara
(2-3 veckors lev.tid)
Releasedate 1993
Regioncode SNSP-AP-AUS
Players 1
Publisher IGS /Activision
Genre Action


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